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Element inlinemediaobject


Content Model



NameTypeDefault Value
lang CDATA None
revisionflag Enumeration:
id ID None
role CDATA None

Parameter Entities

The following parameter entities contain inlinemediaobject: cptr.char.mix, docinfo.char.mix, inlineobj.char.class, smallcptr.char.mix, title.char.mix, word.char.mix



abbrev, acronym, attribution, authorinitials, bibliomisc, citetitle, command, computeroutput, corpauthor, date, edition, email, emphasis, entry, filename, firstname, holder, honorific, html:button, html:label, issuenum, jobtitle, label, lineage, lineannotation, link, literal, literallayout, member, olink, option, orgname, othername, para, phrase, programlisting, pubdate, publishername, quote, rddl:resource, releaseinfo, replaceable, revnumber, revremark, sgmltag, subtitle, summary, surname, systemitem, term, title, titleabbrev, trademark, ulink, userinput, volumenum, year


audioobject, imageobject, objectinfo, textobject, videoobject

HTML Presentation of Website DTD V2.5.0 Based on Simplified DocBook XML Customization V 1.0 by DTDParse (version 2.00).